The class "BarGraph" is a panel that creates a vertical bar graph
for any number of integer values in an array. The dimensions of the
panel are set by the applet it is used in, and graphing is done according
to those dimensions. Thus, resizing will still allow full view of
the graph.
It has a number of features that can be set by the client applet,
such as colors of bars, borders, the background, and the foreground.
The client applet can also choose whether to hide or show horizontal
and vertical gridlines and labeling of x and y axes. As the mouse
over the graph, the value of the height of the bar is displayed. On
clicking a bar, its color changes.
In this project, BarGraph is used to graph the probability of molecules
of a certain gas belonging to different velocity ranges. On its individual
webpage, however, a sample applet gave it dummy values to graph.